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Water Sprinkler

Irrigation issue?
Broken sprinkler?  Water not on?  Other irrigation issue?

Have an issue, then send us an email.  Give us a location, description of the issue, and snap a picture to attach to the email, please. We will work with the contractor to resolve.  

If the issue can wait, it will be handled duri
ng the planned maintenance, if not, we will determine a course of action to resolve.


Water is a valuable and significant cost resource

During the hottest part of the season, we will see plantings and turf stressed.  The reality is we will have to manage our water usage and accept that we live in an arid region.  We will work with the irrigation district and the landscape contractor to steward our water resources and maintain our landscape during hot, dry periods.

Community Spaces

Please remember that our outdoor spaces are community spaces, so changes to garden plants, mulch, soil coverings, etc need to be approved by the HOA Board and the Cotton Ranch DRC.   We want to ensure that any changes are consistent with the look of the total community.  Before updating outdoor spaces, please drop the Board an email to let us know your plans. We will weigh in to assure the plans are consistent with the community look.  By dropping us an email we can avoid unnecessary effort to undo your work.  



Guidance on Landscaping

Let the Board know if you are planning to :- Replace or add annuals. We will ask you to help by pulling them out at end of season.- Replace or add perennials.  We will ask that you choose perennials that add color throughout the season.- Convert mulch area to rock. We will ask that plantings and watering lines not be disturbed and the rock is consistent with other rock in the Villas (size, color).- Moving water drip lines.  We will ask to understand the changes as we will need to involve our irrigation contractor.  Please note, irrigation lines are under the Metro Water District control, and we need to recognize cost of watering.- if you have any question or idea, please email us the details.  Growing season is short, so we will respond within a day.

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