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Bobson Pond Update

Based on a call with the director of Public Works from the Town of Gypsum (ToG) as well as information from the Town Council meeting here are details regarding the Bobson Pond that VCR shares with others.


Town of Gypsum (ToG) stated they are taking on the pond maintenance as they do the other ponds in the neighborhood.  Therefore, VCR should not need to use community HOA funds to address issues related to the pond.  


Actions taken or to be taken by ToG:

  • ToG last dredged the pond 10 years ago.  

  • This time they are digging 3 feet deeper along the south side of the pond (along the Villas) to keep the possibility of smell reduced. Cost of the dredging is in excess of $56,000.   

  • Plan is to finish the dredging the week of 4/11 and then start refilling the pond. 

  • They are repairing the pump (which is in the huge culvert behind 10 Lynx on Black Bear) which should be back in place in 2-3 weeks. That pump pulls water from the ponds on the east side of Black Bear, along the golf course.  It runs 12 hrs per day (7pm-7am).  

  • Once the water level is restored, they will begin to add microbiology to reduce the muck and animal waste:

    • They will do a super charge at first, then dose up every 2 weeks. 

    • They will also add material to stop grass and weeds from growing. 

    • If algae forms, they have a third product to combat.  

  • ToG asked that VCR not add any other products to the pond.


Regarding aeration, ToG doesn't plan to install aeration.  Their plan is to do the microbes, algae, and weed reduction tasks on an ongoing basis.  

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