Challenge with Pigeons
Update 5/12/2021
This evening we had 25 residents join the information session presented by the HOA to describe the issue and challenge we have as a community with pigeons and field a Q&A session. Our goal from the meeting was to inform and ask you all to consider opting-in.
We conducted the meeting via Zoom. The video is presented at this YouTube link.
The transcript of the meeting is attached here and will download to your computer. Suggest reading the transcript for your information and then watching the video from 15:15 for the Q&A discussion.
Highlights from the Q&A:
If I choose not to opt-in and after realize I need to mitigate, what happens? The homeowner who does not opt-in now will be responsible for all future costs. The mitigation will need to follow the covenants and the mitigation approved by the HOA and Cotton Ranch DRC. there is no guarantee the costs to mitigate will be the same as opting-in now.
Who is responsible for damage to my property from the pigeons? The homeowner is responsible.
How will the mitigation affect painting of the units? When the unit is scheduled to be painted, the intent is the HOA will work with the installer to have the mitigations taken down prior to painting and replaced after painting.
How much is the HOA spending in this effort? The HOA is using contingency funds from the budget and will spend about $5,000 out of that budget to trap pigeons for removal and to limit cleaning costs for those homeowners who opt-in to no more than $250.
The costs to mitigate pigeons from under solar panels seems high? The reality is the contractors who provided bid costs were close. The costs include the materials, labor, insurance, and availability of qualified contractors to bid the work. Please note, all new solar panel installations will require mitigation.
Will the pigeons be poisoned? No, the pigeons will be trapped, removed, and euthanized offsite. The HOA was not comfortable using poisons, that while deemed safe for purpose, still introduced a concern for residents, visitors, and pets as well as beneficial species in the area.
Are there other options? The HOA Board working with a resident and local service providers believes this option is the best for the community and allows homeowners to opt-in at this time.
I would like to see what would be done on my unit. I don't believe the cost is justified: Pictures of mitigation solutions are posted below. Also, Jason from Repel Pest Solutions will be onsite at 54 Lynx Circle this Sunday at 1pm to discuss the different mitigation solutions respective to each unit.
Representative examples of the mitigation techniques used on buildings similar to the Vllas
Updated 5/02/2021
As many of you are aware, some from living with it to others seeing the results, the Villas have pigeons roosted on some of the buildings.
Below, we are providing photos to show the extent of the issue. While not every unit has the same level of problem, pigeons, if left unabated, will become widespread in the community. They are a nuisance, their droppings, and their activity create both public health issues and property damage.
In response to homeowner requests, the HOA has been working with homeowners and third-party companies to better understand the options available to the community. Here, you will find some additional information of why this is a developing problem and the option available to homeowners that the Board believes is the best value and addresses the pigeon issue. It will be the homeowner responsibility to pay the cost per their unit, should they opt in.
Through this effort, the HOA has identified three levels of action to take. They are:
Live trapping and removal of the pigeons,
Removal and clean-up of pigeon activity on the buildings, and
Abatement to prevent pigeons returning (blocking access beneath solar panels, spikes and netting that will be done in accordance with architectural standards).
The HOA has funds available to:
Trap and remove the pigeons,
Limit homeowner out of pocket costs to no more than $250 for cleaning activity, and
It will be the responsibility of the homeowner to pay for the abatement actions should they opt in, the third action level.
The HOA is scheduling an informational ZOOM meeting for the community on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. The Board will discuss the issue, why it needs resolution, the process to develop the option presented, and the option the homeowner has to either opt in or opt out.
The Board will be clear that if the homeowner does not opt in at this time and in the future, they decide or it is deemed by the HOA covenants that pigeons have roosted on that unit, then the homeowner(s) will need to take action. By opting in now, homeowners will likely save money, reduce the chance that pigeons will roost, and assure a professional installation that is architecturally in conformance with the community.
Pigeons Control Issues
Pigeons are a serious wildlife control issue for several reasons. They are a serious public health concern, a noise nuisance as well as cause property damage and aesthetic issues on buildings. They breed all year round with peak breeding periods in spring and summer. This means that once they have established themselves on a building the population will grow quickly as well as the damage to the buildings they roost on and inhabit.
Pigeons Legal Status
Statute 33-6-107(9) and Wildlife Commission Regulations (WCR) 312(C), WCR 323, WCR 000(A)(6), WCR 171 22(C), WCR 17123(A) & WCR 17141(A) States. If wildlife is causing damage to crops, real or personal property, or livestock- a person (or any employee or agent of the landowner) may hunt, trap, or take the following wildlife on lands owned or leased by the person without securing a license to do so.
Pigeons Diseases
The serious and constant public health problems pigeons create are unmatched by any other bird species. They are known to carry or transmit pigeon ornithosis, encephalitis, Newcastle disease, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, toxoplasmosis, pseudo-tuberculosis, pigeon coccidiosis, and salmonella food poisoning. Pigeon ectoparasites include a number of bugs, fleas, ticks, and mites, some of which bite people.
Failure to prevent pigeon nesting and allowing droppings to accumulate on the ground, sidewalks and roofs runs the risk of exposing pets and children to the zoonotic diseases. Adults are susceptible as well but are not as close to the ground. Open windows and mechanical vents below nests also pose a health risk as zoonotic diseases that are airborne can be blow or drawn into the home. Zoonotic diseases are not routinely considered in the different diagnosis of febrile illness and can be overlooked by a physician prolonging the correct treatment of the patient.
Pigeons Facts & Information
They have a life span of 3 to 4 years in the wild.
They 3 to 4 broods per year of 1 to 2 eggs each.
They hatch in 18 days.
The young fledge the nest within 35 days.
Feral Pigeons do not migrate. They stay near their birth site; however, they can fly home if removed and driven away. They have an inbreed homing ability.
Problems and Health Risks
Highly corrosive acid in pigeon droppings causes damage to buildings, sidewalks, metal beams, benches, etc.
Droppings and feathers clog gutters and drains.
Droppings can damage air-conditioning units and other roof top machinery as well as causing a potential health and human safety issues around air quality control
Pigeon droppings causing hygiene and disease transmission concerns, increasing the risk of disease and parasite transmission between pigeons, pets and humans.